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| 18 شهريور 1403, 5:03 ق.ظ
0098 21 88961224
A path to the light was opened and it passed through ‎the countries, cities and alleys where the youth and its ‎mujahideen were learning to defend the rights of the ‎oppressed against the tyrants of the time.‎
They fought against the darkness of the dark Makers‏ ‏for many years in the most difficult possible ‎conditions of war and called this bloody struggle the ‎defense of the shrine.‎
Shrine, however, watched their struggle all these ‎years and wept for mercy on every flower petal that ‎the hand of Picking‏ ‏Bud , the creator of the world, ‎spreads in the depths of astonishment and disbelief.‎
History will record the name of this epic as a holy ‎defense, and civilization will give it an excellent ‎grade.‎