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| 26 شهريور 1403, 9:40 ب.ظ
0098 21 88961224
سنا (ستاد نیروهای انقلاب)
In The Name Of God
This base is the revolutionary forces staff in the ‎world.‎
The best and the uppermosts can be related and ‎cooperate with this base and cultural front. The ‎discussion of civilization in the second stride is an ‎important topic of the activities of this front and Staff. ‎
The defenders of the honorable shrine and the ‎devotees of dear Islam are the revolutionary ‎pioneers of this movement. Whatever is related to ‎them - at every stride, at any time, and in every ‎perspective - has the horizons of intuition, support ‎and inclusion of this base with it and in itself. This ‎base will talk to you a lot about this and will hear a ‎lot from you in "your words".‎