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| 18 شهريور 1403, 5:01 ق.ظ
0098 21 88961224

With the Strids of the Messenger, from Hara to Karbala!‎
Distribution of poultice and purslane extract in the Arbaeen procession

دانلود فایل ضمیمه ویدیویی
In order to heal the blisters on the feet of the marchers and to relieve heatstroke and sore throat, in this year's Arbaeen, the first batch of medicine, poultice, and spray of the Fatemi Fafah( Purslane ) plant, which is the product of the research farm "Fateme Al-Zahra Cultural Foundation Salam Allah Alayha", will be distributed in a limited and clinical circulation and as a pilot among the Arbaeen. will be It should be mentioned that this treatment method was given to the marchers who suffered from blisters and sores in the form of ointment and cream in the past years. This method is even preventive; Previously, during several periods of sending the extract and cream to Syria by the sacrifice unit, it was available to the defenders of the Haram in the form of a sample package in their combat backpack. This year, the last feedback of this treatment will be done, and from next year, by attracting sponsors and supporters of Ahlal-Beyt Alayhem-Alsalam, it will be produced in a wide circulation exclusively by the "World Procession of Zeinab Kobra,Salam Allah Alayha ".
Purslane is a plant native to Iran and contains high amounts of antioxidant compounds, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinone glycosides, saponin and flavonoid compounds, cremarin, dopamine, dopanoradrenaline and adenosine, various vitamins, salts and minerals, omega-3, etc. in more than 72 substances. It is one of the basic effective ingredients and is used in more than 90 diseases, including all types of skin, cardiovascular, pulmonary, diabetes and blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, etc., during academic and scientific research in more than 20 countries of the world, including Iran, Canada, China, America, Australia, Korea, etc. have definite therapeutic properties.
The first reported and definitive clinical test of the effectiveness of this Fatimid plant - which in the narration of Emam Sadegh (Alayhe-Alsalam) is called " Superlative Greenery " - and in the contemporary scientific translation of this narration by the World Health Organization and scientific research centers of the world - is called a Super Plant and a Super-Intelligent Plant. It happened on the blessed feet of the Holy masenger, Salavatollah Alayhe Va Ala Alehi Va Salam , on the way to Hara Cave ; And this plant is one of the universal and scientific miracles of the Ahlal Beiyt Alayhem-Alsalam in the world, whose study and processing, research and practical and scientific promotion project during the last 30 years, by the Cultural Foundation Fatemeh AlZahra, Salamollah Alayha, in Iran and the world with the formation of a comprehensive information bank of purslane and continuous communication with researchers and producers of this plant, it has been the process of creating, completing, and compiling innovative scientific data.This foundation invites all those who wish to participate in this global project to cooperate and Through the world procession of Zeynab Kobra, Salamollah Alayha, provides the Arbaeenians with the objective results of these researches and productions every year.

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نسخه قابل چاپ
کد خبر : 50145
تاریخ خبر : 1401/06/19-10:27
تاریخ به روز رسانی : 1401/08/02-20:27